Monday, October 08, 2012

Back to Texas

What a whirlwind of events this weekend!

Friday I did an event at Wake Forest University in Winston-Salem, NC. You can see the crowd in the chapel above. It was my first event in that area of North Carolina and the reception was incredible! The locals were joking that their town motto was, "We're out to kill you" since they are the home of Krispy Kreme donuts and the Reynolds Tobacco Company, but they were very nice to me. Thanks to everyone who came out.

Saturday, I visited Alabama for the first time for the Fairhope Book Festival. There was also a Birdfest going on and a Mullet Run -- still unsure if that was for mullet fish or guys with mullets. At any rate, Page & Palette put on a great event and Fairhope is a really beautiful place! Our driver told us the area is home to some giant alligators as well, and invited us back anytime to do research on gators if I ever want to write more about Sobek, Philip of Macedonia and Egyptian crocodile lore. Tempting, but a little scary!

Yesterday, we did a signing in Coral Gables, FL for Books & Books. Above, you can see the crowd beginning to stream in. We filled the Temple Judea to standing room only and had an amazing time. So much excited screaming from the fans, I think they left the event even more hoarse than me!

Now I'm back home in Texas for two last events. Today I'm heading up to BookPeople in Austin, which is always incredible fun. Saturday, I'll be doing an event here in San Antonio for the Museum of Art, coinciding with the new exhibit about Aphrodite. Hopefully the goddess of love doesn't invite me to a tea party. I've seen how those turn out.

Thanks again to everyone who was able to attend an event, and thanks for reading The Mark of Athena!