Sunday, June 24, 2012

Covers from Around the World

Just got a new collection of international editions! Always fun to see the different covers in different countries. Check it out!

The Demigod Files in Japanese -- love the look!

And below, four Percy books with the Italian covers. I especially like the Italian Last Olympian. Sea of Monsters . . . that guy on the cover looks like he wants to be a brooding Twilight guy a little too much.

And above, what I assume is Percy in Russian. They don't give me any sort of explanation. I just get random boxes of books, so I have to guess. If Percy existed in Candyland, he would look like this.

The Red Pyramid in German. "Die, Kane!" No, that's not what it means.

And the Red Pyramid in Japanese. Love the manga style. I name thee Kane no Index Nanudesu.
I think this is Sea of Monsters in Portuguese, though it's so dark I can't really tell.

Again, I'm guessing on the top one: Percy Sea of Monsters in Russian. Below is Sea of Monsters in Vietnamese.

And finally, The Throne of Fire in Korean. The Koreans always do amazing cover art!