When I do school events, I often get the question, "Are you ever going to write other books besides the Percy Jackson series?" For the past few months, I've had to bite my tongue, because I've been involved in a project that has been under a huge veil of secrecy. Now, at last, I can talk about it (a little!) because it was just announced in the New York Times.
You can read the whole article here.
"The Maze of Bones" will be out next fall from Scholastic. I'm very excited about it! Rest assured, this does not affect any of my other projects -- Percy Jackson or Tres Navarre. I've continued to work hard on both and they will go forward as scheduled. I think once you meet the Cahill family of 39 Clues, however, you're going fall under their spell. I know I did when Scholastic first broached the idea to me! I will post more information as I am able, but most details of the project are still labeled "top secret." All I can promise is it's going to be fun!